Reporter Accidentally Refers To Premier League Champions As Manchester


Football fans had a good chuckle on Tuesday afternoon when a Sky Sports reporter referred to Premier League champions Manchester City as ‘Manchester Sh***y’ live on air.

There might not be much football happening just yet on the pitch but it’s one of the busiest times of the year for Sky Sports reporters, as they find themselves stood outside talking about transfers.

Right now City are the team stealing most of the headlines as their potential high profile moves for Harry Kane and Jack Grealish heat up.

Kane has been the bigger news this week, after failing to turn up for training on Monday, something that some worry could even ruin his reputation.

So it was no wonder that Sky Sports News placed Gary Cotterill outside Spurs’ Enfield training ground in order to see if the England captain emerged on Tuesday. During his report Cotterill had an amusing slip of the tongue.

Sky sports reporter Gary Cotterill has accidentally called Manchester City ‘Manchester Shitty’ 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

— Devils of United 🔰 (@DevilsOfUnited) August 3, 2021

Manchester Shitty is bang on

— Stu Off Of The Internets (@inremotepart) August 4, 2021

Gary Cotterill definitely just said Manchester Shitty

— Danny Wright (@dannyw_92) August 3, 2021

Gary Cotterill just now on #SkySportsNews… “Kane pulling on that light blue Manchester Shitty shirt…”
Couldn’t have put it better myself tbh 🤷‍♂️

— Stevie Amor (@ScorpioRising_) August 3, 2021

Gary Cotteril actually called them Manchester Shitty, then corrected himself when he didn’t really need to.

— S3 MUFC (@S3MUFC) August 3, 2021

The sky sports presenter calling them Manchester Shitty has made my afternoon. Well played Sir

— Painey (@AdamPaine8) August 3, 2021

I suspect that Gary Cotterill may be a Spurs fan? #manchestershitty

— Tom Brighton (@StatelyYateley) August 3, 2021

Whilst rival fans might agree with the sentiment, Guardiola’s team are far from sh**t on the pitch, with the champions running away with the title by 12 points last season.

Even before they’ve signed Kane and Grealish, they’ve been predicted by a Supercomputer to once again win the title.

The addition of one, or two, of the best attacking players in the league would only make them an even scarier proposition for their rivals.

Whether or not they’re willing to spend the reported £160 million for Kane remains to be seen though.

Featured Image Credit: Sky Sports/PA

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